Chambers of Commerce are well-equipped to produce and distribute their own maps, boasting sales staff, artists, and printers within their ranks. The only missing piece is a mapmaker, and that’s the niche we fill.
The Self-Published Chamber Map
A chamber of commerce can produce its own map, reaping the advantages of managing the content, scheduling, and revenue, thereby enhancing service to its members.
Many of our clients have accomplished this. They evaluated their membership and staff and discovered they possess the essential elements required to publish a map. These elements include:
- Someone who can sell advertising
- A graphic artist to create the layout and add text, images and ads to it
- A printing company
- A mapmaker
Wait…A Mapmaker?
A map publication must include a map. Your city’s engineering or planning department might already possess an up-to-date map for your use. However, ensure it meets your needs. If the style is overly technical, lacks visual appeal, or if it displays too much or too little of your desired area, we can help.

We are capable of crafting a modern, professional, and visually appealing map, as well as designing the layout and managing the text, images, and advertisements that will narrate your story and promote your city. We possess the expertise to serve as both a graphic artist and a mapmaker.
This means that advertising sales and contracting with a printer are your main challenges.
Vestavia Hills
Vestavia Hills, a suburb in the Birmingham Metro area, is a lively city in its own right, featuring shopping, lodging, fine dining, and picturesque residential areas. A brief drive away, one can find abundant recreational activities, arts, sports, universities, and a well-visited zoo and botanical garden.
Instead of a publication with advertisements around the map, the Vestavia Hills Chamber has requested that the map occupy the entire front side, while the reverse side should feature advertisements, images, and information.

How Does This Work?
Initially, send us an email. Then we will arrange a call at a time that suits you.
We will discuss your needs, timeline, and budget, and explain how we can assist you. We can offer samples and suggestions. After we reach an agreement on our services for you, we will provide an estimate.
How Much Do You Charge?
The complexity of your map, along with the amount of advertising, imagery, and text included, will influence cost. We specialize in creating maps tailored to our clients’ specifications. As a result, we can offer a dependable quote following our discussion. Please contact us, and we’ll be happy to provide you with an estimate for your custom map.
What We Need From You
For your publication, we require textual content like city history or key features, logos, high-resolution images or illustrations, and advertisement artwork provided by your sponsors.
Next Year
The initial production of the map publication is an investment, accounting for the majority of your costs. In subsequent years, the map can either be updated with new cartographic details like streets and schools and refreshed advertisements or reprinted without changes. These updates incur minimal costs. However, printing costs for either a reprint or an update must be considered. If you partner with a member printer, competitive pricing may be available.
For further information, please email us with details about your chamber and your requirements for a map.